Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Answer: The number of unread posts waiting for me when I got back from vacation.

You internets have been busy while I've been gone.

Reading, reading, reading.


Meghan said...

That's what you get for taking an amazing looking vacation ;) Hope it was great and can't wait for more pictures. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii

nancy said...

Welcome back! I thought you were still up on DiamondHead!

Io said...

Whew! Good luck getting through all those!
Welcome back!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I hate it when that happens! I can't clear them either, because I might miss something important!

Tricia said...

Welcome back... How was the vacay???

Geohde said...

I know how you feel about having so many posts to catch up on....and I have no good excuse!


AwkwardMoments said...

Welcome back!

Me said...

I know that feeling!!!

P.S. Sometimes I wonder if I share too much. I know Zeno would be pissed if he knew. But I need an outlet. And it helps to hear what others think and feel. So I continue.