Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WFMW - Evaluating

At the end of every year, most people take stock -- of their lives, their families and themselves. Have you done that with your blog?

This year, there is a new tool to help you take stock of your blog, assess your best posts of 2009, and meet new bloggers. The Golden Haiku is hosted by Mel of Stirrup Queens. Every blogger from every corner of the blogosphere can join and should!

As Mel writes, "we all have a best post tucked into our archives. We all have words that have moved another person or have ideas that have kicked off a series of musings. Bloggers are writers and all of us deserve to be celebrated."

For more information and to sign up, please visit Mel's introductory post here.

For those whose blogs deal specifically with adoption, infant loss and/or infertility, you can also sign up for the Creme de la Creme, a similar blog carnival just for the ALI community.

This post is part of the Works for Me Wednesday blog carnival every Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.


HereWeGoAJen said...

Good advertising. :)

nancy said...

I have to get on the list. How does one pick from a full year of posts?

quadmom said...

Hey, I got your comment about the yoga retreat. I talked to my husband about it and turns out his cousin had asked us on this trolley tour of Philly mansions that day. I didn't realize that. =( So I won't be able to go to the retreat, but it made me feel better that you said you're awkward/unflexible, too! Maybe I CAN manage yoga! Keep me updated on your yoga place -- if they do another retreat or something else in the future I would definitely be interested.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Thank you, sweetie. I thought of you this weekend because we passed Fingerboard Road.