Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm so mad I could just spit. John Dear just called me at 11 AM to say that he had just woken up! Apparently, he took a sleeping pill last night and rather than waking up when the timer (that he requested me set) rang at 7:30 AM, he just slept through it.

He's already on probation at work for not being there. Thing is, he completes his hours, but does that at odd times due to doctor's appointments and physical therapy sessions. He doesn't understand "face time", a concept which is becoming increasingly important in his career.

This was the one day that he was going to go in on time, because he has other appointments scheduled during the rest of the week. How do I get him to take ownership of this? This is now another job that he will probably lose because he can't get himself in to work on time. AAAAaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhh!!!


Marie said...

sorry about that, sometimes it is a small conselation that we have raise our hubbies as if they are our children :).

HereWeGoAJen said...

Argh, that is frusterating. Go ahead and spit. Try to miss the computer though.

JJ said...

Im sorry for the frustrations, hun. It drives me freaking mad when I cant control the actions of someone else--esp the bad actions.
Sending you a big hug!

Jen said...

Ugh that sounds frustrating. My DH used to have big problems waking up to the alarm, so I would have to call him every morning. I hope it all works out.

annacyclopedia said...

Oooh, I'd be mad, too. I hope JD realizes how much this affects you, as well as him, and tries harder to make some changes very soon. In the meantime, spit away. It's only fair.

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I'd be really pissed too. his actions don't just affect him, but you and what about your potential family down the road? I hope you can have an honest, unemotional talk with him about it.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. I would kill him...