Friday, July 25, 2008

Towards the Goal

I like jeans; they think I'm just OK. For my entire adult life, I have had to employ the use of a safety pin with my jeans zipper, because the spandex that they put in fat women's jeans allows the fabric to stretch and the zipper to frequently come undone. I wondered if I lost weight that I would be able to give up the safety pins.

You know what happened today? I wore a pair of jeans with no safety pin. Result? No zippers came down! I am so happy - it's like I'm normal or something! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Another option, if you ever have zipper issues again (I have that problem with some of the cotton khaki shorts) is one of those wire twisty bread ties. Works like a charm. Go through the hole on the zipper,then twist the ends around your button... Just try not to "hold it" and have to get those pants down in a hurry.

VA Blondie said...

Congratulations! I love the little signs of losing weight. I think they feel better than the number on the scale.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad you have a tangible reward from your weight loss.

AwkwardMoments said...


Meghan said...

Good for you! It's so nice to see a reward for your hard work

and thanks for your sweet comment ;)

Photogrl said...

That's great! Keep it up!

Popping in from ICLW...

momofonefornow said...

Hi, over from ICLW,

Way to go. I love the milestones that come with weight loss.

Tee said...

Hi from ICLW congrats on the safety pinless situation! Tee

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jen!!! I love those little weight loss milestones :)

Nicole said...

That is awesome! WAY TO GO!!

Echloe said...

good for you.


Kim said...

Congrats! I love the little things that make a person smile! iclw

HereWeGoAJen said...

Awesome! Good for you!

Io said...

Go you! I'm glad to hear you're still kicking ass and taking names with the weight loss.

Anonymous said...

Great job with the weight loss!! Thanks for the comment on my blog. :)

Jill said...

YAY! WOO HOO! I feel like doing cartwheels for you!

andnotbysight said...

Very cool!! Good for you!

SassyCupcakes said...

Congrats! It really is the little things that count.

Happy said...

Congratulations! It's nice to see results!

Tricia said...

NICE!! Seeing the clothes fit better is the best reward! Keep on trucking girl!

Hope said...

SUWEEET! Today I put on a pair of pants that I haven't worn since at least 1999...they are cute and not out of style, but I have no clue why I kept them.

You go girly!

Just Me. said...

Awesome stuff!!!!

I've got to admire you..u're such a determined woman!


Amy said...

Congrats! That's awesome.


~Hollie said...

SWEEEET! Congrats on ditching the safety pin! Those victories are oh so sweet. Keep up the work, and it is work, no matter how you look at it.