Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Plan

Now that John Dear has started work again, I've taken on the task of grocery shopping once more. I'm going to try incorporating the Crock Pot more, so that neither one of us has to start dinner from scratch after a long day of work.

Here's the plan:

Monday - Store-bought rotisserie chicken and veggies
Tuesday - Weight Watchers Slow Cooker Veal Stew with Onions and Mushrooms
Wednesday - BBQ chicken and veggies
Thursday - Soup & Salad
Friday - Crock Pot Roast Chicken and veggies
Saturday - Brunch: Apricot Kugel; Dinner: Out with in-laws (provided they are free)
Sunday - Chinese takeout

I'm also going to try and get back on the exercise bandwagon. JD and I worked out twice last week, so I'm hoping for at least 3 times this week.


Jill said...

sounds like you're on the right track! YAY!

Jessica White said...

The stew with onions and mushrooms sounds delicious! You'll have to post and let us know how that is.

How are you doing? *hugs*

Tricia said...

Sounds yummy!

I love a good crockpot pot roast.

Io said...

Hey dear, I hope all this planning means you're feeling a bit better. If I lived near you I would be inviting myself over to brunch on Saturday. I love kugel. I get it at Thanksgiving every year from my friend's mom and try as I might I can't replicate it.

HereWeGoAJen said...

I decided that cooking my own roast chickens was stupid. The store bought ones are barely more expensive than a raw one, they are really good, and SO much easier.

Geohde said...

I can be the Washing Fairly and rearragne your bookshelf if you cook for me?

How's that for a slightly obscure comment?



kirke said...

Your menu sounds fabulous! Once again, I have to sit back in admiration regarding your organizational skills.

Anonymous said...

Love my crockpot! I use it atleast once a week. What do you do about the huge amount of food it makes? I find it's enough for us for a few nights and we don't want to eat it more than 2 nights in a week. Check the crockpot 365 blog. It's a blog written by a woman who is trying and posting a crockpot recipe for a whole year. Some of them are scrump!

Anonymous said...

MMMmmm...can you come over to my house?? Yummy! I so envy people that are so organized.

Anonymous said...

You want to come and cook for me? :) It sounds wonderful.

I saw that you were reading "Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution". Let me know how it is I am thinking about reading it after I finish "A Whole New Mind" by Daniel Pink (recommend it for you knowing that you are a lefty!)

Hope all is well.