Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mild to Moderate

Still feeling some mild to moderate cramping and pressure in the lower regions. Still ranging from mild to moderate nausea. Now we have the added twist of mild to moderate back pain. We're swinging back and forth between mild to moderate anxiety. (The last part, I think, though, is just me and not any unusual health-related symptoms).

Did you know that I'm a sucker? Here's why:

1. I paid my membership dues for this year to the state bar association. You do not have to be a member of the association, but they hunt you down like a rabid dog if you don't pay your dues. They get my money because I don't want the inconvenience. Much like charities who send you those awesome address labels, they do not play fair.

2. Yesterday, I started back up with the prenatal vitamins. Just in case. Cause if I'm going to crash and burn, I might as well do it right and go down in a spectacular blaze of glory with Bon Jovi blaring, fireworks exploding and a not-at-all pointless laser-lights show with fog.

3. Called Nurse to figure out what to do. She talked me down and confirmed my reasoning that I should wait to come in or POAS as it was still early. She told me to try holding out til at least Sunday, which is what I was thinking. AF due on Monday.


Meghan said...

Ahhh...laser shows and fog. I love the 80's!

Getting way excited for you. You know how much us TOOTPU-er's love peeing on sticks and such so Sunday would be a good day ;) Fingers are crossed

HereWeGoAJen said...

I've totally got my fingers crossed. I'll be at a wedding on Sunday and reading blogs on my cell, so just listen really well for my shouted comments. I'll be in South Carolina, so point your ears that way.

annacyclopedia said...

Laser show and fog...ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh. You're right - might as well do it up right.

But I'm hoping big hopes for you anyway.

Away2me (Deanna) said...

Almost there, you are almost there. Hang in there.

Tricia said...

Ohh Hang in there and don't test "stupid early" like I did. LOL.

I am crossing my fingers for you!!

Anonymous said...

best wishes!

LJ said...

I'll see what I can do to distract you at lunch tomorrow.