Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mmm, hmm

Where I've Commented Today

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Nothing much going on here. John Dear and I had a small spat this morning, but apologies and forgiveness were exchanged very quickly. The office is very quiet, so I may use the time to organize the office, still in piles from the move. Stop laughing! I could do it!
Dinner last night was great. Hope the meal plan keeps working for us. Available for snack for me today: Weight Watchers bars (both 1 pt. and 2 pt. varieties), fruit cocktail, chicken soup, yogurt, baby carrots. According to the scale at work (I brought one in last summer for a weight challenge), I've already lost weight. Yay!


Larisa said...

Good for you! It's always nice for the scale to reflect what you are doing.

christina(apronstrings) said...

that's awesome that you've already lost weight. WW makes so much sense. i need to really start watching what i eat. GL!

Io said...

Go you!

Miss Feisty said...

Hola! You are motivating me to start & stick with a diet of some sort!

Oh & thanks for the suggestion of using a timer for cleaning..I am going to try that...good idea! :)

ScientistMother said...

here from NCLM. I've had a ton of friends use WW, its really been great for them

shawna said...

I am back on the WW train. Well, not totally on, but definitely on the platform waiting for the train. Thanks for reminding me that I need to do something.

Julie said...

I'll need to check back here in a week--I'm restarting WW and could use some of your awesome inspiration!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Keep posting your menu stuff! As soon as my kitchen is set up again, I am putting my husband back on his diet and I am stealing your ideas. You've inspired me to be healthier. We are doing crock pot bean soup tomorrow night.

Lori Lavender Luz said...

You don't give yourself enough credit. You took a guess on my trivia.

But what I want to know is: how many calories an hour do we burn while commenting?

Sam said...

Hmmm, I need to organise my own home office, so I wont laugh! But, instead, will thoroughly sympathise even though I can't offer any suggestions for getting organised!!

Io said...

Ha! Your mind force was apparently working yesterday, since Al was trying to figure out about taking the bar for DC! I'm sad - my sister went to Georgetown out there and then lived there for ten years after that, but just moved to Seattle. I used to visit her every year, but of course now that I have several bloggy friends there she had to go and MOVE.

Vanessa said...

Hi There! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I got some dress pictures posted, they aren't great, but they will do until I get more pictures from family! NCLM