Monday, June 23, 2008

Rock On - Goals & Menu Plan

I've now lost a total of 5.8 lbs on Weight Watchers (my ticker at the bottom started prior to my WW membership) and John Dear has lost 7.2 lbs total. We are rocking it!

Last Week's Goals
1. Use Splenda in my coffee rather than sugar
I thought that achieving this goal would be incredibly difficult, but it was really easy once I reminded myself to reach for the yellow packet not the sugar bowl. I used the Splenda for each coffee or tea I had this week (1 coffee or tea per day).

2. Exercise at least 6 days
This goal is incredibly challenging to me. I only reached 5 days as I was sick on Wednesday. I think the key will be making sure to exercise both days on the weekend (when my Weight Watchers' week starts) just in case I have a day during the week where I won't be able to exercise.

This Week's Goals
1. Pack healthy snacks for work each day.
I've become pretty good at this, but I can always do better.

2. Exercise at least 6 days.
I'm keeping this as my exercise goal until I achieve it - I'm determined to achieve it! I was able to exercise on both Saturday and Sunday, so I think it's going to be easier to meet my fitness goal this week. I also took out 2 exercise DVDs from our library -- Dance Off the Inches-Tummy Tone Party Zone and Fat Free Yoga. We'll see how those go.

Meal Plan
Monday - Chicken with Sesame Honey Butter (Dream Dinners)
Tuesday - Chicken Yakitori (Dream Dinners)
Wednesday - Beef Kabob with Tomato-Thai Ginger Sauce (Dream Dinners)
Thursday- Broccoli-Shallot Frittata for Two (Weight Watchers)
Friday - Grilled Chicken with Peppers and Chimichurri Sauce (Weight Watchers)
Saturday - Whole-Wheat Spaghetti w/ meatballs
Sunday - Polenta Lasagna (I'm experimenting)

Since Saturday is the start of my Weight Watchers week, I want to save as many points as possible on the weekend of the 28th-29th for Friday the 4th. So, I'm going to try extra hard to be eating as CORE-ly as possible and exercising as much as I can next week.


Meghan said...

Go you!!! I so need to start making weekly meal plans and sticking with them. We get take out WAY too often! So glad you're seeing some results from all your hard work, keep it up!

Io said...

Rock on you! Keep up the hard work!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Wow, you two are rocking it! Go!

Your menus sound really good this week. Yum.

Britni said...

I'm so impressed. I started last week and didn't make it too far so I'm going to start again this week. Thanks for the motivation!

Happy said...

I'm impressed that you exercised for 5 day! I can barely do 2 or 3.

How do you make a different thing each night? I find the portions are too big since it's just the two of us and we end up eating the leftovers for a few nights. It get boring. Any tips? Do you freeze the leftovers?

LJ said...

So impressive. I was thinking in the shower this morning about how 3 years ago I was able to take off the weight, and I was so dedicated to it. It's the best feeling...I gotta find it. hahahah