Thursday, June 5, 2008

Six Word Memoir

I've been tagged! Someone really loves me and you should love her too, so go visit her (and the 5 lucky people I've tagged) after reading this post.

This meme originated over an idea that was prompted by the book written by Larry Smith & Rachel Fershleiser, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure. It's a compilation based on the story that Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. His words were, "For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn."

The Rules
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it to your blog including a visual illustration if you would like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag 5 more blogs with links.
5. Don't forget to leave a comment in the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

My six word memoir: "Sadness, joy: my cup runneth over."

I'd like to see creativity from the minds of:
The Whole of Her Sermon
Ima On (and Off) the Bima
The Meatless Chulent
Antigone Lost
Here We Go Again


HereWeGoAJen said...

Hmmm...I will have to think about this one.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time doing mine, and I gotta say, I like yours quite a bit. Thank you for saying hi through NaComLeavMo :o)

Miss Schlegel said...

I got a tag! A proper tag! My first tag!

Ok, am thinking up something apt and geniusy. Yours in good. Hemingway's is VERY good.

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh, thanks. i'll have to think and then i'll get back to you....

Phyllis Sommer said...

i did it -- here